Exclusive interview with Rebekah Dee

22 février 2010, par Petra

Rebekah Dee gives an exclusive interview to FreeOnes where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What made you decide to start doing porn?
I just sort of fell into it really. My boyfriend is a bit of a pervert and we had had a couple of threesomes with his mate who had heard about a radio competition to find new glamour models. He thought I should enter and took some snaps to send in. Unfortunately our photos were too rude for the competion but they gave us the number of a top photographer who supplies content to Top Shelf magazines so we gave him a call and went to see him. He asked me to strip and walk across the room, which I did and he gave me a shoot date. So I started with magazines and then when the whole internet porn thing took off I decided to set up my own site…..the rest is history!

Have you had any other jobs outside of the porn world?
Sort of….! When I started doing porn I was at university and I spent my summers working abroad in a beach bar in Ibiza. I love the place and so still go every summer to work although I have switched jobs to running a merchandise shop. I also make use of my university degree come January and help a few people out submitting their tax returns. I like to keep my life varied and that way nothing ever becomes mundane!

If someone told you that you could start over completely in a life without porn, would you?
NO WAY! I would end up a stressed out wreck! I need my porn and my w**ks to keep me sane!

Do the people in your personal life know about your profession? Or do you keep that side of you a secret?
Most people do although we dont particularly discuss it. My friends are aware and as most of them are men they dont seem to hold it against me 😉 I generally dont tell new people I meet but if they ask I will not deny it and once I know they are open minded I am happy to divulge.

Do you consider yourself a porn star? Why or why not?
Not a ‘Star’ per se but I am an adult performer. I hardly ever get recognised and thats the way I like it so I dont think I can consider myself a porn star.

What is the hardest part about doing a boy/girl scene?
Hopefully the guys cock? ha ha…just kidding. I dont do boy girl scenes so I cant comment on that. But as far as G/G scenes go I think it is probably getting mentally into it. I am a bit ‘female’ when it comes to sex and to have good sex for me it needs a mental connection which is difficult when you have only just met in make up a few mins before! Of course, I could just fake it but that would be way less fun 😉

What do you prefer more? Solo, g/g, or b/g scenes?
It depends what kind of mood I am in but I would say G/G scenes can be more sensual and if I get some one who knows how to turn me on its FANTASTIC!  That saying, I always know how to get myself off so it can never be disappointing if its just me.

What do you thing the best and worst part of your job is?
Best part has got to be the sex….regular acces to spine tingling orgasms cant be a bad way to spend your career can it? And the worst….? I suppose having to deal with narrow minded people when I tell them what I do for a living, having to explain my choices etc.

Do you shoot content just for your site?
No, I shoot content for other sites also, and I do some fem dom work for a friends’ sites too which is always fun!

What makes your Official Site different than other sites?
I cant comment on other sites as I am not a member of any but I get a lot of comments from members of mine that they like the fact I am accessible to them. My site is very personal and it would not be outside the realms of possibility to meet me on the street. I am not an unrealistic, airbrushed movie star, I am the girl you live next door to, the girl who sits next to you on the train, the girl in the gym…..a normal girl who enjoys sex with girls and boys and doesnt mind sharing that with others!

What is the strangest thing someone has asked you to do?
There have been a few but perhaps the strangest was to crush bugs and amphibians under my heel and film it for him! Of course I didnt do it, it was just too WEEEEEIIIRDD!

What is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you while on the job?
Oooh good question! Probobably the most embarassing, and also quite common I guess is that some air got pumpd into my pussy and it came out with sound effects! We call it a ‘fanny fart’ here in the UK but I am sure it is called something different in the US. Unfortunately it is sometimes inevitable with some of the positions we get ourselves into! hehehe

Should there be more kissing on the lips between actors, or is kissing considered “too intimate” for the porn business?
Hmmmm I think it would  be more erotic if there was more kissing between male and female actors but I suppose it all depends on the audience the movie is targeting. If it is those into extreme, rough sex porn then their viewers are probably not all that bothered about seeing kissing. At the risk of sounding sexist or making assumptions, I think porn for girlies would probably benefit from more kissing because most girls I know love a good snog during sex where as a lot of guys are not bothered either way. Of course there are exceptions to that rule but I really do think it all depends on the type of movie and who they are aiming it at.

What do you think the biggest stereotypes of porn are?
That we are all sex crazed, lust filled beings all of the time and we spend our social lives entwined in mass orgies and swingers parties! I am not saying that NEVER happens but a lot of the time I am just a normal person with a healthy interest in sex!

Do you feel that “fame” has crimped your lifestyle similar to what a mainstream film star might feel?
Yes dah-ling I cant bear all this fame! ha ha of course I am joking…..I am not famous so I cant comment!

Has porn affected your personal sex life? If so, how?
The only way I can say it has affected me is in a positive way and that is that I am way more aware of the need for safe sex. So many people I hear of or speak to take too many risks in the name of fun. I know it is not sexy to consider a sexual partners health and past but I just dont think the fun is worth the risk of catching something.

What was your very first pet?
A cat called Cindy.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Do you have any hobbies?
I like working out and am very much into health and fitness which is why I am trying to find time to train as an instructor (it is hard to fit in around my website though!). I also love cooking and watch cookery programs for new ideas when I am entertaining.

What are your future ambitions?
To live an active healthy life among people I love and like. I am very easily pleased and perhaps not overly ambitious but I have fairly simple pleasures so I dont need tons of money. I would love to work in the fitness industry and perhaps with overweight children and families to help tackle rising obesity levels.

Is there anything you would like your fans to know specifically about you?
DOH….i hate questions like this because it is so hard to come up with something original! Sorry to be so clichéd but I would say that fans probably already know this and so to anyone who is new to ‘Rebekah Dee’….I am a normal person, approachable and down to earth. I do not need special treatment and am not high maintenance. I have more than just a pair of perky tits upstairs so feel free to challenge me intellectually as well as physically 😉 I am 100% devoted to making my site members and appreciators of my pics satisfied so anything you would like to see me do just ask and I will do my best!

Click here to visit the official Rebekah Dee website!

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